30-minute Portfolio Review
Sign up for a 30-minute Portfolio Review by one of our counselors. All reviews are conducted via video conference. Students who continue their work with us will have this amount deducted from their package price.
Our 30-minute Portfolio Review with one of our counselors conducted via video conference includes:
_A thorough review of the applicant’s existing portfolio (20 pages)
_Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the portfolio, and concrete advice on how to improve it. This would include feedback on the descriptive texts and advice on how to better contextualize the work within an art historical context and contemporary culture.
_Advice on how to improve the sequencing and formatting of images.
This is a more thorough review in the style of what a student might receive at a Portfolio Review Day, with a longer discussion and more pointed feedback.
What should you expect? You send us your portfolio as well as where you are planning on applying and for which program. We review your work and during the call give you concrete advice for improving the content, the contextualization of the work (including your descriptions of your projects), art or other historical references to look at, as well as sequencing and formatting.